Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It's a new experience for little old me,
water dripping down my neck and back.
Oh, it's just sweat from exercising,
fast walks in the morning plus the 75 degree heat
at 6 AM as summer holds on tenaciously.

How often do we really push ourselves
enough to actually sweat? "Not often" is
my answer, but trying to walk quickly
with a friend has me perspiring profusely
compared to my slower drier walks alone.

Then there's life, how often do we really exert
ourselves and push our limits to do more,
be better, rise higher or try harder?
"Not often" is my answer. It's time to sweat more,
and learn to excel before I really expire.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Nearing the end of SUMMER

Hurrah-although I'm thinking I'll miss this heat
when winter's cold winds and icy temps come.
How silly we are to always complain about what
we don't have, and not appreciate now till it's gone.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Article #115 New Homes

Throughout our 11 years of marriage we had always rented apartments, but when we moved to California after our year in Brazil my husband decided to build us our first home. We bought 5 acres of land on a hillside near Chino and made plans to construct a geodesic dome just like the hippies were doing. A dome is truly a unique building; kind of like a hollow ball turned upside down, creative though impractical for a family of noisy boys as their voices are amplified inside that space. Just imagine the Salt Lake Tabernacle with its acoustical qualities, but it was exciting to be settling down finally.

While my husband was building this unique home, a 35 foot diameter hemi-spherical dwelling from triangles of foam that would be sprayed with concrete, we needed a place to live. A small used trailer was bought. Building primitive triple decker bunkbeds for our young sons inside our trailer, a couch in the back room folded down for our bed. Some chairs and a table in the front were all that was lacking for our furniture. When we moved in, we felt just like pioneers as we hauled water to store in a barrel on the roof of our trailer for cooking and cleaning uses until our utility lines were installed. Clothes were taken to the laundromat again, but we were thrilled to be building our own home. Our oldest son began first grade and our two littlest boys started preschool several days a week, so I could teach dance part time. We lived this way while the dome was being built and our marriage was deteriorating.

Now years later as a divorced single parent building a new home with square walls in a Utah neighborhood, I made all the decisions involved alone. What color to paint walls, which carpet or curtains to order. It was an exciting, but challenging time. My oldest boy would have his own room in my traditionally-built three bedroom-one bath home with an unfinished basement. All the yard work lay ahead: putting in sod, trees, bushes, etc. We would have a garage, a backyard for my sons to play in, and room for a family garden. Life was beginning anew, all possible with my new teaching job and decision to start my life over again as a divorcee. It wasn’t an easy adjustment.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I always thought exercising more
would give me increased energy
so I could be like the energizer bunny,
but it's just made me into a napper.

After starting my day walking a mile
or so, then going to water aerobices
for an hour, I find myself feeling tired.
Unbelievably tired, strangely it seems.

I hope it will improve over time though
I'm not sure. I sure like my smaller
waistline, less pounds and tanner face.
What's not to like about being fit?

Given time and a few short naps daily,
hopefully I'll find my old limitless energy
and strength returning. If not, I won't stop,
I like feeling healthier and being thinner.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cooking Challenge

I'm trying my best to eat healthier which includes more veggies, less meat and carbs although veggies are carbs. Learned that watermelon and pineapple are not good for diabetics to eat. Nuts are great and anything with fiber. Here's my meal the other day using leftovers I stir fried yellow squash, sweet onions, carrots, and green beans with brown rice. Adding a little Italian seasoning, it was a tasty meal. I had cracker bread with butter for more fiber. Now what to fix for dinner?

Notice my blueberry place mats that a step mother of my sister-in-law who lives in Maine gifted us several years ago when we visited her near Augusta. I've been attending some vegan cooking classes to get ideas for how to fix more vegetables...What's your favorite meal?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cardmaking Class

I haven't made cards for years although I do have lots of materials. So when a free class was offered at Sunriver I went. It was so fun to be creative in a new way other than writing.

I remember now why I enjoy scrapbooking and designing my layouts-it's very artsy. So I took some class photos and made three cards for future uses. Will return next week and make more.

Everyone made their own design with materials that were provided and no two were alike.

Great instructors who showed us some fundamentals, gathered materials and let us loose.

Here's the three cards I made with decorated envelopes to match. They are on right, top row.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Self Image

After you've blogged like I have for three years, you find yourself repeating some of the same topics. Check out my post on SELF IMAGE I made last November. It's pretty good. Seems I'm always trying to reinvent myself or come up with something good. "Improve myself" is the name of the game or endeavor. As my gray roots begin showing again, it's time to hit the bottle-not alcohol but hair coloring. For a long time I've been using semi-permanent color on my hair but it always washed out in a few weeks whether or not I did it myself at home or had it done in the beauty parlor. Then one day I thought maybe I'm ready for permanent color since my gray is so resistant. Duh!

So I checked with my beautician and she said it wasn't any harsher on your hair than the semi-permanent color, and it did last longer. Today I made the leap doing it myself. As my hair was reaching the white stage which meant all my blond color was washed out, I took out my new hair color box with a slightly darker blonde called medium and did it. It should have said brunette which is what I am now. But hey I like to be creative and it will wash out or will it? Actually my hubby sat across from me at lunch and never noticed the difference, and I can always wear a hat for a week or so. LOL!

Then I got to thinking about my self image. We women worry about it a lot-go on diets, shop for new clothes, exercise, color-perm, cut and style our hair incessantly. It certainly takes up a lot of our time and money, but that's only the visual part. Then there is our internal or eternal self image-the sort of person we are becoming because of our behavior, actions and thoughts. What a lot of work it is to become all you can be and focus on the important things and not get lost in thick of thin things. Actually now that I'm looking at these photos and not in the mirror, I think I like being a brunette! I spent most of my life that color. Here I am below.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Family Home Evening

Once a week on Monday evenings families throughout our Church gather together for FAMILY HOME EVENINGS with a short lesson or activity, game and refreshments. It's an opportunity to build communication, bond as a family and learn helpful lessons. Assignments are rotated with each member of the family helping with the lesson, singing, an activity or game, and the most important part-refreshments.

My son Daniel will be meeting with his family and giving a father's priesthood blessing to each of their children this week as they prepare to start the new school year. Without any children at home, we have joined an empty nest (retiree's) group to have family home evenings. The U.S. CONSTITUTION and AMERICAN HISTORY is our theme. We take turns hosting and teaching.

Last night we learned about the background of the Declaration of Independence which led to the Revolutionary War that many of my ancestors were involved in. It's funny how much more interesting history becomes as an adult. While in school even college it was not my favorite subject. Now I can look back and understand the events that really happened with new understanding.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding

Sunday School class yesterday was fascinating.

We are studying Proverbs, Psalms and Ecclesiastes.

We discussed knowledge or experiences, understanding and wisdom.

They are interrelated. (Sunrise photos by me.)

Proverbs 9:10 The fear (reverence) of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom; and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Article #114 Single Parenting

If I thought parenting was difficult, being a single parent was even more complex. After my move back to Utah with my sons, I realized that it wasn’t going to be easy facing my responsibilities alone. Though my former husband paid some child support, the burden fell on me for the daily discipline and order in our home. Answering questions like “Why did you divorce dad?” was never easy. I probably gave out more information that I should have. But they were only trying to understand the situation, and even wondering if their misbehavior had been a factor in the breakup of our family. One of my sons, today a father himself, recalls feeling during those tumultuous times like “a broken egg.”

Trying to cope with all the changes in our family’s life style was challenging, but I soon met other women in my church who were in the same situation-divorced and raising their children alone. These new friendships were a great support to me. Just to have a listening ear meant a lot to me. I also had loving family members nearby.

Returning to Utah in October my sons were excited to participate in Halloween activities with their cousins. They soon adjusted to the move and all attended the same elementary school within walking distance of our rented apartment. I began the task of locating a fulltime job with my newly acquired elementary teaching certificate. Starting out as a substitute teacher, I made connections and recommendations so that soon I was hired as a fulltime 1st grade teacher at my son’s school. This new position enabled me to qualify for a HUD loan for first time homeowners. Soon we were building our own home with down payment help from my parents.

Going from teaching college dance to supervising 6-7 year old children was a real stretch, but I enjoyed having my own classroom and not starting the day off wondering what school would call me first to be a sub for them. My teaching job was the perfect situation for me to have time off when my children did. My summers were free. I became a cub scout den mother immediately for my church, with almost my own troop within the walls of my home. The scouting program provided wonderful training for my sons, and the opportunity for them to bond with strong male leaders while learning useful camping and other skills.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm BACK once again

How many things in our life we take for granted
until they are no longer available-like electricity,
water, air conditioning, mobility, and the Internet.

We have become a bunch of whimps, I think, not
able to function without ALL our modern luxuries
that we take for granted-which are too many.

Imagine washing clothes out on a rock by a creek,
cooking over a fire or sleeping on the ground.
Sounds like camping to me, I'd much rather not.

Same with no INTERNET, it certainly entertains
and fills my day with opportunities to learn, to
publish my writing, and communicate with others.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm addicted

Oh no, our Internet has been out for two whole days...
after a lightning strike from our last summer rain storm
disrupted service on our street and with our computers.

Getting up the house is silent, no blogging friends waiting
online to comment or connect with, no new comments to
send across the planet after reading new posts. I'm lost.

Even my husband who surfs the Internet daily looking
for a better boat to build is lost. We look at each other
like strangers in the night. Oh no, what do we do now?

Well, fate intercedes, but tech support is of no help despite
call after call. They have fixed it, they say. But it's not working.
So we go to a church picnic in the mountains and socialize.

Talk to real people-what a fun change, connecting to
neighbors. Life does go on without the Internet even
when you are both addicted, but it tries your patience.

Luckily today a tech guy was sent to our door to try to fix it,
and he did-earning our never ending gratitude. Once again
we are plugged back into the "real" world of emails and surfing.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Need new eyeglasses?

Spectacles for those who are nearsighted
become important as we age. Soon bifocals
are needed to read newspapers, and maps.
Then tinted lenses to filter out sunlight
or dark prescription glasses help us.

How about an optimism filter so that life
can be filtered to be positive or helpful.
Too often we filter out the good-only see
the negative, ignoring beneficial effects.

Happy glasses would be a great hit...
wear and never frown again; be content
with what you see in life as possibilities
not problems, trials or stumbling blocks.

Now that might sell or just wear contact lenses...ouch!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Writing as Therapy

Tuning into inner voices through writing
can release feelings long unexpressed.
We learn more about ourselves and complete
our growing within through self discovery.

Sharing this wisdom and leaving a legacy
for our loved ones is worthy of our time:
chronicling our struggles and growth, reliance
on heavenly powers and faith to overcome.

Journaling is more than just lists of activities,
but can be filled with understanding for others
to help them through this journey called "life:"
leaving footprints and guides for them to follow.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Time to ORDER my latest book

NATURE NOTES for KIDS by Lin Floyd, retired school librarian and teacher, is hot off the press and available for purchase. This 50 page bound paperback for children features 75 original poems and free verses with full color clipart of many creatures that live on our planet earth including: Insects, Bugs and More; Outdoors in Nature; Farm Animals; A Visit to the Zoo; Sea Creatures, and Looney Birds. There is even a section for children to add their own creative poetry and illustrations which can be emailed to the author for publication on her blog. Lin's six grandchildren's photos are featured on the front cover.

A perfect Christmas gift for children of all ages, buy now for only $15 plus $2 postage. Contact Lin directly or through PAYPAL with this email address: lin at sunrivertoday.com Postage is additional: $2 for the USA and $5 for International mailings. Encourage your little ones or grandchildren to discover the world of nature that surrounds them.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Poem for my friend Mary

SUDDENLY by Lin Floyd

Little Mary Quite Contrary
decided to bike over
to see her aged parents.
Taking goodies to share,
it wasn’t long before she was there.

Stopping her bike, she tried to unload
only to find herself
suddenly dumped and lying
next to her bike
with her goodies spilled all over.

Shocked and shaking, she tried to get up
only to discover
strong pains in her side
as several ribs were bruised,
maybe even broken.

Oh no! Maybe Mary should have
stayed at home and
invited her aged parents
to cvisit her and
bring her goodies instead.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Article #113 Tenth Anniversary

After job hunting for several weeks on the west coast, we were offered teaching positions for both of us in Southern California at a university. My husband was hired as dance department chairman, and I was to teach dance part time. Everything seemed perfect, but it wasn’t. As our tenth wedding anniversary approached, my spouse revealed his unfaithfulness in the past and asked for my forgiveness. I had suspected something was not right for many years, but it was difficult to face the reality of what his disclosure meant to our future. Wanting to save our marriage and not divide our family, we decided to try a separation before considering a divorce.

Interestingly enough two of my cousins were also going through the same process of trying to save their marriages about this time for the same reasons. We each struggled with separations and reconciliations, broken promises, more marriage counseling then finally a divorce. My hope was always that given time, my spouse would see the error of his ways and we could rebuild our marriage after divorcing. But it’s difficult to restore broken trust plus mesh differing lifestyles and conflicting beliefs of marriage partners. We were headed in different directions, and we both felt we were right.

Trying to make our divorce as stress free for the family as possible, we agreed to a financial division of debts and assets, child custody and support issues. I was able to be my own lawyer in those days of California’s new “irreconcilable differences” mode of divorcing in 1975. My husband watched the children while I went to court alone. The next morning I headed back to Utah to establish a separate household with our three sons now ages five, six and nine.

As I look back on that difficult time from the advantage of 35 years later, I can see the tremendous growth I made as an individual taking back control of my life. Choosing to become a single parent I returned to my home state of Utah and looked forward to creating a less stressful life with my sons. I would come to realize the real victims of divorce are the children involved as their secure little world is completely changed. The husband and wife move on and heal, perhaps find new partners, but the children are full of confusing feelings and divided loyalties that they sometimes never resolve.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thank You!

When was the last time you sent a personally written THANK YOU note or an email or wrote a comment on FACEBOOK or a BLOG geared to build and lift another? I CHALLENGE each of you to DO BOTH today and REPORT here in a comment when the task is done. I received this wonderful email from a fellow writing friend...needless to say, it made my day.

Hi Lin,
I so enjoy your writing-it is honest, heart-felt and well-crafted.
You inspire me. Rosemary

Then my son Jeff wrote me a little note and mailed it to me. He lives 250 miles away.
Dear Mom, Thanks for the funds for school, things have been difficult lately and I hope to find a job situation that is better for us soon. In the meantime this will help a lot. Thanks again for all you do. Love, Jeff

MY REPORT-daily I try to write comments online congratulating or noticing some events in my family or friends' lives. I am going to handwrite a little note to my 99 year old dancer friend to thank her for her written thank you notes. She doesn't have a computer and lives in a retirement condo. I'm writing a bio on her for a local magazine but haven't been able to get it published yet. Perhaps I'll just put it on my blog. It's your turn to report now.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Criticize or compliment?

Asked to critique a friend's family history-
that's tricky to do and not offend anyone,
I complimented the writer for her efforts
and gave suggestions for improvement.

I know I appreciate that kind of help in my writing.
Our little inner voices love to play the critic but seldom
do they give encouragement or suggestions. Listen to yourself
to see what kind of friend you are to yourself. Record what you hear.

When I wake up each morning, my critic says
"this is dumb to get up this early to walk."
Ignoring that voice, I get up anyway.
By the time I walk, I'm happy-it's light.

I am able to overcome those negative criticisms
and focus on the good the walk does for me and
enjoy talking with my neighbor friend for half hour
each day. It helps me and her to start our days better.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


by Dr. Seuss
"And when you're in a Slump,
you're not in for much fun.
Un-slumping yourself
is not easily done."

How to get un-slumped or pull yourself out of depression
is not easy because first you have to realize where you are.
Down but not out, blue, out of sorts, tired, unmotivated
all of these are good descriptors but don't solve anything.

Why? is a better question-overwhelmed, on a pity party
poor me, etc. or physically ill. There are many reasons.
Pills may help to change your chemical imbalance but
I rely on writing to help me get in touch with my feelings.

Then I sort them out to understand what is taking place
inside of me to sabotage my growth and progress. Little
voices seeking to negate all my positive talents and abilities.
When I can understand my emotions, then I can recover.

Making gratitude lists helps or sometimes just getting so
tired of being down-unproductive can get me going again.
Once back to normalcy and creatively happily living my life,
I resolve not to slip back into destructive habits.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Slowing DOWN

Doing well on my early morning walks at 6:30 am
but it's dark when I get up at 6 am as fall is coming.
So nice to have a new neighbor to walk and talk with,
makes exercising so much more interesting as I try
to walk as fast as she does. Soon our half hour is over.

Still doing water aerobics but it's cooling;
instead of 80 degrees at 8:30 am, it's 60.
Brr! "Oh, I miss the hot mornings." But
they are not gone, just subdued by monsoons
and even infrequent rain showers.

I have a long list of TO DOs this month. but don't let
them dominate me unless there is some kind of deadline
attached. I like to work on what interests me when I
want to and not because I have to. Had too much of that
in my pre-retirement days of teaching and mothering.

Now I have my own schedule-take a nap when
needed, which seems to be every day. School's
soon starting for the kiddies. It's a relief to be
free of that responsibility. Been off for 9+ years
now, amazing how fast retirement goes by.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Running Errands

So many blessings are taken for granted:
having a car and being able to drive about,
shopping here and there, running errands
while many in the world are devastated.
Homes are flooded or destroyed by nature,
earthquakes or war's destruction visits them,
while others have freedom and safety to go
where they wish, living quiet everyday lives.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bloom where you are planted

I love the analogies between nature and life.
We start out as a small seed nurtured slowly
until our birth then raised in love until
our blooming which begins the cycle over
as we give birth to our own seeds and encourage
them to develop-the never ending growing process.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Article #112 Heading Home

After nine months of living in Brazil, we were more than homesick for America. Having sent 15 letters to colleges on the west coast trying to find a teaching job for my husband for the coming school year, we decided that I would head home with the boys early, and see what job opportunities I could dig up. Our lease was up for our apartment in Bahia. My husband would stay for another month, finish his research and filming while living with friends. Flying to Rio de Janeiro the children and I caught an airplane home, while my husband took the bus back to Bahia. Luckily I had a group photo with all our sons on my passport.

As I look back on that time now I wonder how I managed three lively boys ages two, three and six on the airplane, but I was young-only 32 years old at the time and longing for home. We landed at Lima, Peru and with all three kids asleep on the plane, I went into the terminal to do some quick tourist shopping. I almost missed getting back on the airplane on time. That would have made an interesting experience for my sons if when they landed in Los Angeles, they found out that their mother was still in South America.

When we arrived in California after a very long flight and checked through customs, my two youngest sons headed off in different directions in the airport lobby as I tried to find our connecting flight to Sacramento where my folks were meeting us. I grabbed one child before he got too far away, but I couldn't find the other. Luckily he was stopped by someone when he tried to board a different airplane and returned to me. Tired and bedraggled, we finally landed in Sacramento and were met by my parents.

For a month, we lived with them until my husband flew home from Brazil. After buying a used car, we soon headed off to start our job search on the West coast. Now we had to readjust to America and experienced a new "culture shock" coming back to our own industrialized society after living a slower more relaxed lifestyle in Brazil. The future lay ahead of us with a new possibilities on the west coast after a year’s absence from our homeland.